hands holding a tiny home

Making the Decision to Downsize

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Life is Mastering the Art of Adjustment

Life is full of transitions. Your transition from a busy adult life to the more relaxed lifestyle of retirement and senior citizen status has its share of adjustments. From retirement from a full-time job to learning how Medicare works to becoming a full-fledged member of AARP, your move to gaining status as a full-fledged senior citizen is one of the biggest transitions you’ll ever make.

Read more: Making the Decision to Downsize

One of the most difficult transitions you’ll face during these years is the decision to downsize your lifestyle to a smaller home. The choice may be to move out of your house to an apartment, condo, or even an assisted living facility. Many times, the idea of you moving out of your house is initiated by your caregiver or your children. The idea almost always is hard to hear because, even if you knew this day would one day come, you may have bonded with that home in a very deep way.  

If this is the house you have been in for a long time, perhaps even raised your children there, every room is filled with memories. If your spouse has passed on, the house is a shrine to their memory as well. If this is the case and it’s your own children that are the first to suggest that it’s finally time for you to give up your home, that can strike deep and hard, triggering you to put up a lot of resistance to the idea.

Downsizing Can Be Difficult

So we need some guidelines on how you can accept this transition and how to walk away from a place that you have loved so much. Perhaps the first step in dealing with the explosion of emotions you feel when the idea of moving out of your house is brought up is to recognize that what you are going through is genuine grief. To a large extent, that house is more than just a building you live in. Because it has been the stage that the drama of your life has played out on, it is more than a place. It may have become a member of the family by now.

You Can Feel Grief When Selling Your Home

elderly couple with luggage

So, in a way, letting the house go is like seeing a close member of the family pass away. So before you even try to “talk yourself into it”, just recognize that you are going through grief just as you have when you experienced the passing of a dear friend, your spouse or a member of the family. And like those other times, grief will pass and when it does, the final stage of grief is acceptance of the new world you live in and peace.

Can You Really Stay in Your Home?

Next, sit down with a cup of coffee and have a rational conversation with yourself. Write out a list of pros and cons about reasons to stay and reasons to leave. Aging in place is becoming a reality for more and more seniors every day. Is this a realistic possibility for you? If it’s something you’re considering, you’ll have a lot to do in order to make that dream a reality.

Separate Facts From Fantasy

Keep in mind the resistance you’re feeling is almost entirely emotional. It’s time to “debunk” some of the myths that your sentimental side has allowed to grow up around that house. The truth is, none of your memories are going to die out just because you move into a new building. Your memories will stay with you and be just as precious in a new home as they are now. Your kids will love you just as much. You will continue to go to the same church and keep the same friends. Start to see that home as what it really is, a building and one that has been good to you, but it’s time to move on.

Finally, begin to spend more time thinking about why this move is a good idea than looking at the negatives. Maybe the money that will come from the sale of the home will enable you to buy that cozy little retirement condo you have always wanted. Maybe that money will help with your medical expenses so you can stop worrying about the future. Furthermore, when you are living in an apartment or assisted living center, you don’t have to fuss with mowing the lawn, keeping the place painted, and all the other maintenance that goes with owning a home.  

Your life will become simpler and more relaxed because you took the time to learn to walk away. You will be glad you found a way to learn to walk away from the old and embrace the new. Now, get with the program and make this move yours so you can enjoy the adventure of a new stage of life. You will be glad you did.

Emily Turner
🌟Emily Turner - Your Guide to Fulfilling Retirement Greetings! I'm Emily Turner, a seasoned retirement lifestyle coach and writer dedicated to helping individuals like you navigate the exciting journey from middle age to retirement with confidence and joy. With over three decades of experience, I have honed my expertise in retirement planning, personal growth, and holistic well-being.
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